Sign APK: How to Sign Applications In Android - 2020

So You have a Payload or an Edited apk with Termux-APkTool and you want to Sign It so that you can install it on any Andoird phone❓ Perfect. Because in This post I am gonna show you how you can Sign any Apk In termux using Apk Editor.

What is Signed Apk?

When we make payload or we Edit Applications using Apk tool then We get an UnSigned Apk file. And When we try to install this Apk it, we get Apk not installed Error in Android Or sometimes we see warnings while installing The apk and those Warnings gonna scare the Victim and the person will not install it.  To Solve these Errors and to make your Apk installable you need to sign it.

Signing and application is a process of digitally Certifying your Application using a Private key. This Certification then allows the Android system to Identify the author of the application and establishes good connections. And since it is allowed that we can self-sign the applications, In this post i am gonna show you how you can easily do it on an Android phone.


How to Sign Applications In Android :

Since the apksigner package of the Termux is not working, I tried to find tools to sign my Moded apk (that i made using apktool) But Not a single tool is working so I Don't wanna Give you guys those commands thinking maybe they will work for you. So in This, we will use APk Editor application to sign the moded app.

Step 1: 

First of all, you need to move your Unsigned apk to your Internal storage, For that, you need to first allow storage permissions to the Termux app. For that you need to type the below command in termux. If you already have storage permissions then you can skip this step.
Sign APK: How to Sign Applications In Android - 2020

Now it will show you a Popup box just press on allow and now when you will type ls in termux you can see your storge folder.  

Step 2: 

Now go to the Directory where you the unsigned apk is. and Copy it to the Internal Storege of your Phone. For copying the file we will use cp command below you can see the command. In the green part of the command, you have to specify your apk file.
cp apkname.apk ~/storage/shared/
Sign APK: How to Sign Applications In Android - 2020



Step 3: 

Now you have to Download Apk Editor. it's just a 6MB application and you can download it from the internet or using the below link.

Step 4: 

Now Open Apk Editor and you will see 4 Options select the First Option and it will open file explorer for you where you can select The unsigned applications that we just copied from the termux app.

Sign APK: How to Sign Applications In Android - 2020

Now select your Unsigned application, Here my application name is whatspp you can find your own application in your main internal storage. just select the application by clicking on it.
Sign APK: How to Sign Applications In Android - 2020

Step 5: 

Now you will again See 4 Options, You can Choose anyoption you want if you know what you are doing but we just wanna sign our application so we will choose the Common Edit Option.

Sign APK: How to Sign Applications In Android - 2020

Step 6: 

Now You will see the Edit page where you can Edit basic things about an apk, Here you can change the logo and App name, You can also change the app version. Just Edit Your app to make it look like a real app and then click on Save. 

Sign APK: How to Sign Applications In Android - 2020

It will take almost 10 seconds to recompile the application.

Step 7: 

Now The apk is Signed. You can install it in your phone by clicking on the install button and if you wanna send it to a Victim then you can find your signed apk in your internal storage/ApkEditor/temp folder. The name will be changed there but you can rename the file before sending the victim and when they install it they will see that name you edited using apk editor.

Sign APK: How to Sign Applications In Android - 2020

Conclusion :

Apk Editor is the best tool when it comes to working with android Applications. This is just an easy method to make your payload and moded apk installable. Signing apk in termux stopped working but as soon as they fix it, I will post on it. If you are new at this Site and Don't Know about the termux app then make sure you read this post [Termux : What is Termux & What We Can Do Using Termux ?]. If you have any questions then ask me in the comments, Thanks for reading Guys, stay Inspired and as always Stay Ethical👾.


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