Install Auto Correct in Termux | Termux Fish Shell [Secret Trick - 2020]

Hey guys🙋🏻‍♂️, I am back with a new Command for you. Are you bored with the Doller sign Terminal? well, This command will add Auto-Correct Feature in your termux, and give your terminal a Different look. It's a New Command Created by me👾.

What is the Fish-Shell in termux?

If you are a termux user you will Know that whenever you type the commands you don't get suggestions and a lot of time we type long commands and after pressing enter we find out that we miss spelled something, or we forgot to type something and this is kind of a headache in termux to erase everything and then re-type it again.

Install Auto Correct in Termux  Termux Fish Shell [Secret Trick - 2020]

To solve this problem we can use the fish shell in termux that will give us indications that if we are typing the correct command or not. If you are typing a wrong command then from the start it will show your text in red color that means your command is not executable or it will throw an error.

On the other hand if your typing a correct command, you will see that command in green color, and if you miss-spell somethings then it will turn your text red and you will be able to see your incorrect commands from the start and it will save you a lot of time.If you like this post then you should also check out : [How to Lock your Temux]

Install Fish-Shell In Termux :

Copy-Paste the Below code to Change the Look of your terminal.

You can Copy-Paste The Below code in your termux and It will Automatically install everything and then Close the Terminal and when you will re-open the terminal then you will be able to see the Fish-Shell in your termux apk.

pkg install fish neofetch -y && cd && echo "if [ -x /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/libexec/termux/command-not-found ]; then
         command_not_found_handle() {
                 /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/libexec/termux/command-not-found "$1"

clear && neofetch && fish" > /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/etc/bash.bashrc && exit


Install Auto Correct in Termux | Termux Fish Shell [Secret Trick - 2020]

This Will close your termux so just start it again and Everything will be set up perfectly.

Uninstall Fish-Shell in Termux:

Just Paste this command And Fish-Shell will be removed from your Termux.

pkg uninstall fish -y && echo "if [ -x /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/libexec/termux/command-not-found ]; then
         command_not_found_handle() {
                 /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/libexec/termux/command-not-found "$1"
 PS1='\$ '" > /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/etc/bash.bashrc && exit


Install Auto Correct in Termux | Termux Fish Shell [Secret Trick - 2020]

If this does not work for the first time then Please Paste and run it again and it will surely work.


Fish-Shell is just Fish package I just used some Bash scripting to make it a permanent Termux-shell. This script will help you to write correct commands in termux and save you some time. If you like this post You should also read : [Install Parrot-OS shell in Termux]🔥. If you want more single command script then make sure you comment down below. You can also ask any questions in the comments. Thanks for reading and as always stay Ethical👾.



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