How to View World Map in Termux - MapSCII🗺

Do you know you can see the whole google Map in your Termux? If no then good, because In this post you are going to learn how you can and see the whole world map in your Termux. You will be able to zoom in zoom out as well as see your city and area. This is a project on Github and if you want to learn more about this project then visit[MapSCII].

MapSCII will look totally the same as Google Map but in the command-line interface and the best part is you don't have to install anything from anywhere because all the dependencies are installed in termux and you just have to type 1 command to run it. To control the map we have to enable the extra keys for termux and that you can do by using single command read this post [How to Enable Extra Keys in Termux | Enable any key Termux]. Now after enabling these keys you will be able to move your cursor anywhere you want in termux.

How to See World Map in Termux:

Enable Extra Keys:
To Enable the extra Keys You can read this blog [How to Enable Extra Keys in Termux ] or you can just paste the below command.

Just copy and paste below command and open termux again and keys will appear on your keyboard.

mkdir $HOME/.termux/ ;echo "extra-keys = [['ESC','/','-','HOME','UP','END','PGUP'],['TAB','CTRL','ALT','LEFT','DOWN','RIGHT','PGDN']]" >> $HOME/.termux/ && termux-reload-settings && sleep 1 &&logout

How to Enable Extra Keys in Termux | Enable any key Termux

Run MapSCII:
Just type the below command and you will be able to see The world map on your termux.


You will see this kind of World map on Your termux terminal.

How To Navigate?:
To Scroll You have to use Arrow Left, Arrow Right , Arrow Up and Arrow Down Keys. These keys will help to Move the Map so you will be able to see the Location. When you will press the Zoom the map will zoom in the center.

How To Zoom-in and Zoom-out in MapSCII:
To Zoom-In, You have to press "a" key on your keyboard and to Zoom-Out you have to press "Z" on your keyboard. To Enable the Extra Keys Read this post : [Enable extra keys in termux]


Block Character mode:
The Block character mode looks like a satellite view of the google map. This mode will change the map from dot mode to Block Character mode. To Switch to Block Character mode just Press C on your keyboard.

How To Quit MapSCII:
To Quit You just have to Press Q on your keyboard and It will be closed and you will be able to see the project name.


MapSCII is a cool Project and easy To use in Termux But you cannot navigate on the map, that's why I have added the Extra keys. This Project uses [OpenStreetMap] and not the google map to show the world map on the Terminal. If you have any problem related to this project, make sure to write it down in the comments and thanks for reading as always Stay Ethical👾.


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