How to install and use Credmap in Termux No Root- 2020

What is CredMap?

CredMap is a Credential mapper that allows you to login in on multiple websites using specified credentials. Let's say you have login credentials of victims Gmail account and you want to find out, is it possible to log in on other social media accounts using the same credentials. Then Credmap will be the best tool for this job.

How to install and use Credmap in Termux No Root- 2020

Nowadays we create a new account on every new website and it requires a username and password to log in, maximum users use the same username and password they are using on other social media accounts which means if we have victims credentials of any social media account it is possible to hack their other accounts too.

It is time-consuming to go on every website and try to log in, because there are a lot of platforms on the internet. Credmap is a credential mapper where you can specify the username and password and it will try to log in on multiple social media accounts and give you a list of websites where it gets positive results.

NOTE: This post is only for educational purpose. I and this site do not support any criminal activity. If you are doing any sort of misuse of this information This site is not responsible for that. THIS SITE ONLY SUPPORT ETHICAL HACKING.

How to Install CredMap on Termux?

Step 1:
Update and upgrade the termux So that we will not get errors while installing the Wishfish tool.
apt update && apt upgrade
Press N if ask about the version.

How to install and use Credmap in Termux No Root- 2020

Step 2:
This command will install the git package which will allow us to download projects from the GitHub Repository.
pkg install git python python2 
How to install and use Credmap in Termux No Root- 2020

(While installing if it is asking do you wanna Continue just press y and enter.)

Step 3:
Cloning the CredMap Tool from the GitHub repository.
git clone
How to install and use Credmap in Termux No Root- 2020

Step 4:
Change directory to CredMap, If you don't know basic commands of termux then its highly recommended to check out this blog:[termux all basic command].
cd credmap

How to install and use Credmap in Termux No Root- 2020

Step 5:
Now allow permissions to all the files in the credmap folder. 
chmod +x *
How to install and use Credmap in Termux No Root- 2020

How to Use CredMap on Termux?

Basic Run:

To Run The CreadMap you can use the below command , please make sure to change the username and password with the victim's credentials in below command.
python2 --email MAIL --password PASSWORD
EXAMPLE:  python2 --email --password 12345678

How to install and use Credmap in Termux No Root- 2020

With Username and password:

Use Username and password to try on each website to find hackable accounts.
python2 --username USERNAME --password PASSWORD
EXAMPLE:python2 --username barneystinson007 --password 12345678

Advance Search:

You can include all 3 arguments in command in order to get maximum result.
python2 --email MAIL --username USERNAME --password PASSWORD 
EXAMPLE:  python2 --email --username barneystinson007 --password 12345678

How to install and use Credmap in Termux No Root- 2020


This tool is similar to sherlock, sherlock allows you to search for a particular username on all social media, forums and even sites. This tool is great if you already have some data about the victim. You can also use proxy in order to hide your identity while gathering information . if you want, I can include that part in this blog.if you have any problem while installing you can comment down below, thanks for reading.


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